Saturday, May 28, 2011

School is out!!

"Schools out for summer! schools out forever!" I think I sang this song every year at the end of school and now that Brooke is in school I think I need to start the tradition again.
It is amazing how the time just flies by us. I feel like I just graduated and my life, I felt, was just beginning. Now my 10 year reunion is coming up this year and Brooke will be going into the 2nd grade! Wow, how old I feel.
Brookes school decided to do a spirit week the last week. One day was nerd day and another was crazy hair day. Those are my favorite and sometimes I can get a little overboard but we have fun dressing up. I took some pictures of my fabulous work.


  1. oh how fun. I am impressed too. I might have to give you a call in the future when I have no idea what to do for my kids in school (obviously it will be a while).

  2. Wow the hair is actually really cool!!!

  3. It wont be out for much longer! you should blog again.

  4. Okay this is seriously just sad!!! School will be out, AGAIN, in just a few weeks and you still haven’t ever blogged. It would be lots of fun to read about your family every now and then. You should blog!
